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Reflective Practice Large Group Meeting Resources. 2018-2019

Door Prize Books

Clark, A. M., & Sousa, B. (2018). How to be a happy academic. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Rice, G. T. (2017). Hitting Pause: 65 lecture breaks to refresh and reinforce learning. Stylus Publishing, LLC.


Berg, M., & Seeber, B. (2016). The slow professor : Challenging the culture of speed in the academy. Stapleton Library   Stacks   LB2331.7 .B47 2016

Bess, J. (1997). Teaching well and liking it : Motivating faculty to teach effectively. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Stapleton Library   Stacks   LB2331 .T4246 1997

Biradar,S. (2014). Effect of locus of control of college teachers on their job satisfaction. eBook  

Filene, P. (2005). Joy of teaching. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. eBook 

Garbett, Dawn, & Tynan, Belinda. (2010). Lifeline for emerging academics. In Academic life: A handbook for new academics, (pp. 173-181). ACER Press. eBook 

Race, P., & Pickford, R. (2007). Making teaching work : 'teaching smarter' in post-compulsory education. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. eBook 

Smoot, B. (2010). Conversations with great teachers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. eBook 


Adarkar, A., & Keiser, D. (2007). The buddha in the classroom: toward a critical spiritual pedagogy. Journal of Transformative Education, 5(3), 246-261. 

Bozman, B. and Gaughan, M. (2011).  Job satisfaction among university faculty: Individual, work, and institutional determinants. Journal of Higher Education, 82(2), 154–186.   

Collison, M. N.-K. (1999). Achieving Career Satisfaction in the Academy. Black Issues in Higher Education, 16(20), 26. 

Corbett, S. J., & Lafrance, M. (2013, September 13). It’s the little things that count in teaching. Chronicle of Higher Education, pp. A30–A31. Retrieved from 

Fink, L. Dee. (2010). The joy and responsibility of teaching well.(Viewpoint essay). ASHA Leader, 15(10), 10-13. 

Foster, D., & Hermann, A. (2011). Linking the first week of class to end-of-term satisfaction: Using a reciprocal interview activity to create an active and comfortable classroom. College Teaching, 59(3), 111-116. 

Gup, T. (2016, October 14). Teaching in the twilight. Chronicle of Higher Education, p. B16.  

June, A. W. (2013, April 12). Colleges begin to reward professors for doing work that actually matters to them. Chronicle of Higher Education, pp. A25–A26. 

Machado-Taylor, Maria de Lourdes. (2014). Job Satisfaction of Academics: Does Gender Matter? Higher Education Policy., 27(3), 363. 

Marston, S. H., & Brunetti, G. J. (2009). Job satisfaction of experienced professors at a liberal arts college. Education, 130(2), 323–347. 

Necşoi, D. V., & Porumbu, D. (2011). Occupational stress in university: Perceived causes and coping strategies. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference AFASES, 326–331.  

Pannapacker, W. (2012, October 19). It’s your duty to be miserable! Chronicle of Higher Education, p. A32.  

Tremmel, Robert. (1993). Zen and the art of reflective practice in teacher education. Harvard Educational Review, 63(1), 434-58.