Find the best library databases for your research. Make sure to click "Clear Filters/Browse All Databases" before changing subjects!
How to use this page
If you know which database you want to use, just scroll down the list, or click the alphabet at the top of the page to jump to that section of the list.
If you know what subject you need to search, use the list of subjects to show databases containing information about that subject. Best Bet databases are the databases the IUP librarians recommend for each subject.
If you know what kind of information you're looking for - for example, if you need biography information, or are looking for ebooks - choose from the All Database Types drop-down to find the proper material type.
Search for keywords - e.g. biology - by entering them in the search field to see what databases have that keyword in their description or associated subjects.
To go back to the full list of databases, click the Return to Full Database List button.
Once you find a database you'd like to use, just click on its name to jump right to it.
Finally, if you need help, chat reference is available from the green button in the bottom right corner of the screen, and subject expert contact information will be displayed where available.
Business, Company Information, Finance, Management Provider: GALE. Coverage: Full-text. Content: Company and business information, peer-reviewed journals
Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more.
All Subjects, News, History, Journalism Provider: ProQuest. Coverage: Popular, news, world history, world events. Content: Video
The CBS News Video Archive is a database of flagship news programming spanning 6 decades of journalistic coverage. Perfect for history, media studies, journalism, and social sciences students and scholars, this unique product provides an unparalleled look at American and World History events, as they were originally reported.
All Subjects, Discover and Multidisciplinary, E-Journals Provider: Third Iron. Content: Interface for browsing and accessing IUP e-journals.
BrowZine is a service that lets you browse through most of IUP Libraries e-journals in one intuitive interface, create virtual bookshelves of your most-used journals, and access full-text of articles.
All Subjects, News, History, Journalism Provider: ProQuest. Coverage: Popular, news, world history, world events. Content: Video
The CBS News Video Archive is a database of flagship news programming spanning 6 decades of journalistic coverage. Perfect for history, media studies, journalism, and social sciences students and scholars, this unique product provides an unparalleled look at American and World History events, as they were originally reported.
All Subjects, Discovery and Multidisciplinary, Education, Food and Nutrition, History, Safety Science Provider: Infobase. Coverage: Scholarly, popular. Content: Streaming video, documentaries, and more.
Films On Demand is a web-based digital video delivery service that allows you to view streaming videos from Films Media Group anytime, anywhere, 24/7!
All Subjects, Discovery and Multidisciplinary, Graduate Writing, Scholarly Publishing Provider: Keenious. Coverage: Scholarly/peer-reviewed Content: Scholarly citations related to your research topics - see the description for details.
Keenious is a cutting-edge tool to help you find scholarly references to support your research work. Keenious uses AI technology to understand your research topic(s) and suggest additional scholarly references that you may not have found through traditional searches. Upload a document to the Keenious server and it will return a list of references based on the topic and context of the uploaded document.
Note: Keenious does not retain your documents in their system; they are used only to generate a profile used to match your document's subject(s) with peer-reviewed publications in their database.