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Start Right! The First Day of Classes: Home

Door Prize Books

Gail O. Mellow,  Diana D. Woolis,  Marisa Klages-Bombich,  Susan Restler.
(2015)  Taking College Teaching Seriously, Pedagogy Matters! Stylus Publishing.

Weimer, Maryellen.(2013) Teaching strategies for the college classroom. Magna Publications.




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What Should You Do on the First Day of Classes Articles in IUP LIbraries' Collections

What Should You Do on the First Day of Classes?

Bassett, J. F., & Nix, P. (2011). Students' First Day of Class Preferences: Factor Structure and Individual Differences. North American Journal of Psychology, 13(3), 373-381.

Winston, F. (2007). First Day Sociology: Using Student Introductions to Illustrate the Concept of Norms. Teaching Sociology, 35(2), 161-165. login.aspx?direct=true&db=sih&AN=25117758&site=eds-live

Hermann, A. D., & Foster, D. A. (2008). Fostering approachability and classroom participation during the first day of class: Evidence for a reciprocal interview activity. Active Learning In Higher Education, 9(2), 139-151. doi:10.1177/1469787408090840.

St Clair, D. (2015). A simple suggestion for reducing first-time online student anxiety. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 11 (1), 129-135. 

Van Dyke, F., & White, A. (2004). A Tool to Use the First Day of Calculus. Primus, 14(3), 213-229.

Cowan, M. M., & Piepgrass, K. W. (1997). The first day of class on a two-year campus: what students really want us to know about their science classroom experiences. Journal Of College Science Teaching, (2), 104. direct=true&db=eue&AN=507921696&site=eds-live

First-day class activities. (1998). Teaching English in the Two Year College, 25(2), 161.

Gannon, Kevin. (2016).  The Absolute Worst Way to Start the First Day of Classes.

Higgins, P. (2001). Excitement on the First Day?  College Teaching, 49(1), 2.

Weimer, Maryellen. (2017).  First Day of Class Activities that Create a Climate for Learning.