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CURR935: Democratizing the Curriculum

So, You've Decided to Author a Children's Book!

Dr. Kelly Heider

Professor/Graduate Information Literacy Librarian

IMPORTANT: Some Additional Guidance

What is Social Justice?

Social justice is the fair treatment of all people in a society, including respect for the rights of minorities and equitable distribution of resources among members of a community (, 2022). 

Teaching Social Justice through Children's Literature

Class Example of Historical Children's Book: Born on the Water by Nikole Hannah-Jones and Renee Watson

This book is available through cloudLibrary as an ebook and/or audio version. You may also download the app and use the Indiana Free library card to borrow it. Additionally, a read aloud from "Book Readings with Mrs. Bernard" is provided below.

Example of a Fiction Children's Book that Addresses Gender Identity, Self-acceptance, Equality, and Diversity

Example of a Fiction Children's Book that Addresses Body Size

Example of a Non-fiction Children's Book that Addresses Neurodiversity

Example of a Non-fiction Children's Book that Addresses the Movement for Disability Rights

Tips for Writing a Children's Book

Rubric for Children's Book

Name of Author:                          

Book Title:

Feedback provided by:

Scale: UA= Unable to Assess, NA = Not Applicable, NI= Needs Improvement, S = Satisfactory,

G: Good, VG: Very Good, EX= Excellent

Please note, at this stage of the process, some and/or of these elements may be present.  Please provide narrative feedback, especially if the book is a nonfiction book.

Use a different rubric for each of the three authors you have been assigned.

Copy and paste this rubric (do not upload) with your feedback into each critical friends’ d2l thread by 3:00pm on Saturday March 26, 2022. This will make it possible for your critical friend to use your feedback to improve their advocacy paper. It will also give me a chance to reflect on your evaluation before I use the same rubric to evaluate the paper.




Questions, Concerns, Helpful Feedback

The cover includes powerful imagery which captures the essence of the book. It includes the author’s name.

The title on the cover is interesting, memorable, and developmentally appropriate.

The image/s on the cover is/are interesting, memorable, and developmentally appropriate.

The book includes all or some of the characters (person perpetuating the unpleasantness, bystander, victim, person, or situation that advocates or turns things around)

The author doesn’t just label characters, instead, the qualities are subtly revealed.

The author has picked a setting and/or multiple settings that are appropriate to the theme and audience’s age group.

The plot/story line is interesting, age appropriate, and well developed.

There is evidence of some internal (doubts or emotions that the character feels within their mind) or external conflict (conflicts with other characters, society and other forces outside the main character).

The story includes a turning point of tension that relates to theme of the story.

You, as reviewer, are clearly able to articulate the theme of the story in a sentence. Please write this in the comment section to help the author figure out if they have managed to communicate the theme effectively.

The author supplemented the written word with meaningful symbols. These could relate to the way the words are presented on the page or the imagery.  These symbols may be presented in terms of position, size, natural elements.


