Because the Library provides access to ebooks from a variety of vendors and publishers, downloading methods and online access policies vary.
Ebooks may be read online without downloading, but access may be limited to a specific number of users at a time. Downloading is necessary only for offline use, but is the recommended method for long-term access to the material.
This page provides information on online access and downloading methods from the Library's major ebooks collection. If you have additional questions or need help, contact the Ask a Librarian service.
Within the EBSCO eBook Collection, viewing and downloading policies will vary from book to book. You may be able to:
The Detailed Record page will provide all the information you need to access and/or download the full text or smaller sections.
All ProQuest ebooks are available to read in full in your browser online. Policies on downloading to read offline vary. Ebook records (example below) list downloading and checkout options available for each title.
The section labeled "Availability" gives information on how long the book can be fully downloaded and how many pages can be downloaded permanently. It also provides the link for reading the book online.