During this Reflective Practice large group meeting faculty meet to hear about, discuss, and join, departmental and campus-wide teaching circles.
Research In First-Year Attitudinal Changes
Doctoral Teaching Circle
WAC: Issues and Ideas in Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum
Liberal Studies English (LSE)
Anthropology In Action
TEMPT (Teaching Elementary Mathematics to Pre-service Teachers
Successful Promotion
Philosophy Teaching Circle
Nursing Dept. Teaching Circle –Simulation Pedagogy
Digital HistoryPsychology Teaching Circle
Teaching Mathematics Online
IUP Writing Buddy Group
Sociology Dept. Teaching Circle
Physics Teaching/Research
Technology Exploration: Using iPads with Library Resources and Beyond
Special Education and Clinical Services Dept. Teaching Circle
Mindfulness in Higher Education
Inter-professional Collaboration Using Simulation and the Electronic Health Record
General Chemistry Dept. Teaching Circle
Teaching Circle in Punxsutawney Universal Design
Time Management Teaching Circle
Keeping up and Catching upEmerging Technologies
Adobe CS6 Master Collection
MUSC 115: Materials and Pedagogy
Books won by Sadie Mummert and Oriana Gatta were:
Transformative Conversations: A Guide to Mentoring Communities Among Colleagues
in Higher Education eBooks available from IUP Libraries from permalink
Building Faculty Learning Communities: New Directions for Teaching and Learning, No. 97.
Brydges, S., Chilukuri, L, & Cook, G. (2013). Building a faculty learning community at a research university. Currents in Teaching & Learning, 5(1&2), 17-35. http://proxy-iup.klnpa.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eue&AN=95524602&site=eds-live
Transformation of the undergraduate learning experience through evidence-based, student-centered teaching practices remains a consistent challenge for faculty and departments at large research universities with competing priorities. This paper presents a self-study of the first formalized Faculty Learning Community (FLC) at the University of California, San Diego, which united a cross-disciplinary faculty who specialize in education (at the rank of Lecturer with (Potential) Security of Employment, as part of the LSOE series) to focus on issues of student learning in large university classes. Participants in this year-long faculty development initiative gained: (1) knowledge of the norms and expectations for conducting educational research in the classroom; (2) increased awareness of curricular and pedagogical interventions to enhance student learning in large classes and greater confidence in implementing them; and (3) heightened regard for the collaborative potential of teaching assistants (TAs) in improving teaching and learning. As a result, members of this new community of teacher-scholars are better poised to serve as agents of change within their own academic units and across the campus.
Lancaster, J. W., Stein, S. M., & Persky, A. M. (2014). Faculty development program models to advance teaching and learning within health science programs. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(5), 1-7. http://proxy-iup.klnpa.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eue&AN=96781532&site=eds-live
Within health science programs there has been a call for more faculty development, particularly for teaching and learning. The primary objectives of this review were to describe the current landscape for faculty development programs for teaching and learning and make recommendations for the implementation of new faculty development programs.
Reilly, J., Vandenhouten, C., Gallagher-Lepak, S., & Ralston-Berg, P.. (2012). Faculty development for e-learning: A multi-campus community of practice (COP) approach. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 16(2), 99-110. http://proxy-iup.klnpa.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ971047&site=eds-live
Faculty development is a critical process, enabling instructors to remain abreast of new discipline specific content and innovations in the scholarship of teaching and learning. The explosion of online higher education and advances in technology provide examples and rationale for why faculty development for e-learning is needed. Literature on faculty development and e-learning is reviewed and a multi-campus faculty development program using distance technology and a community of practice model for nursing educators will be described. Successful strategies, barriers and an evaluation of the multi-campus faculty development model experience will be presented in a format that allows for replication across disciplines
Sicat, B. L., O'Kane K., Ivey, C. K., & Simons, D. F. (2014). A collaboration among health sciences schools to enhance faculty development in teaching. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(5), 1-5. ttp://navigator-iup.passhe.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eue&AN=96781535&site=eds-live
In 2010, an interprofessional, self-formed, faculty learning community on faculty development in teaching was established to promote collaboration on faculty development initiatives that have transference to faculty members across disciplines and to share expertise and resources for wider impact. The organic structure and processes of the faculty learning community created an environment that has not only resulted in an increased offering of faculty development opportunities and resources across the health science campus, but has created a rich environment that combines the knowledge, innovation, and experience to promote collaborative efforts that benefit all. The background, structure, processes, successes, and lessons learned of the interprofessional faculty learning community on faculty development in teaching are described.