Students will be required to select a research topic from the list provided or to submit an alternative topic for approval by Monday, Sept. 9th. Once paper topics have been approved, that particular topic will not be available for other students. Any changes to the topic must be with the authorization of Dr. Merlo.
Examples of Paper Topics
Students must also submit the title of their paper and an abstract (approximately 100 words) once the topic has been submitted and approved. Title and abstract are due by 11:00PM on Monday, September 16th.
Click the following link for information on writing an abstract:
Students will submit a written outline with at least six references by 11:00PM on Monday, Sept. 23rd.
Click the following link for information on writing an outline:
In writing the paper, students must utilize at least 14 references exclusive of the text. Please note that the references should be scholarly, from books in the discipline or peer-reviewed journals (2013-present), and/or from the Internet. Internet sources must end in .edu, .gov, and/or .org. There are no .com references permitted for this research paper. At least 9 of the references must be peer-reviewed journal articles (2013-present). In terms of style, please use the APA 6th Edition. The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University is an excellent resource for APA Style. Be sure to include a separate reference page.
Carefully proofread your final paper before submitting it. Double-space the text of the paper, use 12-point font, and 1" margins.
Before submitting the final paper, you are also required to schedule an appointment for an online review through the Writing Center at IUP. Please be advised that the Writing Center sends notifications to faculty about each student session.