Library and Service Learning Bibliography
Albertson, D., & Whitaker, M. S. (2011). A service-learning framework to support an MLIS core curriculum. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, (2), 152.
Barry, M. (2011). Research for the greater good Incorporating service learning in an information literacy course at Wright State University. College & Research Libraries News, 72(6), 345-348.
Battista, A., Ellenwood, D., Gregory, L., Higgins, S., Lilburn, J., Harker, Y. S., & Sweet, C. (2015). Seeking social justice in the ACRL framework. Communications in Information Literacy, 9(2), 111-125.
Becker, N. J. (2000). Service Learning in the Curriculum. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 41(4), 285.
Blithe, S. J., Carrera, W., & Medaille, A. (2015). Stories of service-learning: Guidelines for increasing student engagement with digital storytelling. Journal of Library Innovation, (1), 60.
Bloomquist, C. (2015). Reflecting on Reflection as a Critical Component in Service Learning. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 56(2), 169-172. doi:10.12783/issn.2328-2967/56/2/1
Brown, E. (2013). Develop student compassion through service-learning. Journal of Christian Nursing, 30(4), 234-237.
Brzozowski, B., Homenda, N., & Roy, L. (2012). The value of service learning projects in preparing LIS students for public services careers in public libraries. Reference Librarian, 53(1), 24-40. doi:10.1080/02763877.2011.591690
Chesnut, M. T. (2011). Recession-friendly library market research: Service learning with benefits. Journal of Library Innovation, (1), 61.
Cuban, S., & Hayes, E. (2001). Perspectives of Five Library and Information Studies Students Involved in Service Learning at a Community-Based Literacy Program. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, (2). 86.
Eyler, J. (2002). Service learning: Higher education. Encyclopedia of Education, 6, 2205-2210. ( pgs 205-2010)
Eyler, J., & Giles Jr, D. E. (1999). Where's the Learning in Service-Learning? Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. Jossey-Bass
George, T. P. (2015). Making an impact with service learning. Nursing, 45(12), 21-24.
Heiselt, A. K., & Wolverton, R. E. (2009). Libraries: Partners in linking college students and their communities through service learning. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 49(1), 83-90.
Herther, N. K. (2008). Service learning and engagement in the academic library: Operating out of the box. College & Research Libraries News, 69(7), 386-389.
Jacoby, B. (1996). Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Jacoby, B. (2014). Service-learning essentials: Questions, answers, and lessons learned. John Wiley & Sons.
Kolvenbach, P. H. (2000, October 6). The service of faith and the promotion of justice in American Jesuit higher education. Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference. Address given at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. Retrieved from http://
Kuh, G. D. (2008). High-impact educational practices: What they are, who has access to them, and why they matter. Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC.
Meyer & Milller (2008) The Library Service Learning Partner: A Win-Win Collaboration with Students and Faculty. College & Undergraduate Libraries
Nutefall, J. E. (2009). The relationship between service learning and research. Public Services Quarterly, 5(4), 250-261.
O’Meara, K. (2011). Faculty civic engagement: New training, assumptions, and markets needed for the engaged American scholar. To serve a larger purpose: Engagement for democracy and the transformation of higher education, 177-198.
Overall, P. M. (2010). The Effect of Service Learning on LIS Students' Understanding of Diversity Issues Related to Equity of Access. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 51(4), 251-266.
Peterson, L. (2003). Using a homeless shelter as a library education learning laboratory: Incorporating service-learning in a graduate-level information Sources and Services in the Social Sciences Course. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 42(4), 307-310.
Rhodes, N. J., & Davis, J. M. (2001). Using service learning to get positive reactions in the library. Computers in Libraries, 21(1), 32-35.
Riddle, J. S. (2003). Where's the library in service learning?: Models for engaged library instruction. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 29(2), 71.
Roy, L. (2014). The place of service learning in reference education. Reference Librarian, 55(2), 168-171. doi:10.1080/02763877.2014.879031
Roy, L., Jensen, K., & Meyers, A. H. (2009). Service learning: Linking library education and practice. American Library Association.
Sanders, E., & Balius, A. (2015). Experiential learning and academic libraries: An annotated bibliography. Codex (2150-086X), 3(3), 49-52.
Todd, C. (2011). Recession-Friendly Library Market Research: Service-Learning with Benefits. Journal of Library Innovation, (1), 61.
Walker, A. B. (2015). Giving literacy, learning literacy: Service-learning and school book drives. Reading Teacher, 69(3-), 299-306.
Watts, M. (2006). Becoming educated: Service learning as a mirror. In Gibson, C. (2006). Student engagement and Information literacy. ACRL (pp 33-54)
Westney, L. C. (2006). Conspicuous by their absence: Academic librarians in the engaged university. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 45(3), 200-203.
Witbodi, S. L. (2004). Service learning in the Library and Information Studies Curriculum at the University of the Western Cape: An exploratory study. Mousaion, 22(1), 89-102.
Yelinek, K., & Coffta, M. (2013). The value of graduate internships in creating online tutorials: Working with instructional technology students. College & Research Libraries News, 74(11), 558-576.
Academic Service Learning Faculty Handbook
Designing and Delivering a Service Learning Course (Online Course Modules)
Faculty Guide to Service Learning
Faculty Toolkit for Service Learning in Higher Education
Service Learning Course Planning Worksheet
Service Learning Curriculum Development Resource Guide for Faculty
Service Learning in Community Based Organizations
Service Learning Manual