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FDNT 484: Senior Seminar: Search Plans and Search Logs

Search Plan

Elements of a Search Plan:

  • Databases (See databases tab) 
  • Necessary Limits (see primary and secondary research tab)
  • Keywords (See this tab!)
  Patient  Intervention Comparison Outcome
PICO Elements Adults Antioxidant Supplements Low Sodium Diet Heart Disease
MESH Heading Adult Antioxidants Diet, Sodium-Restricted Heart Diseases
Related Terms:  

Naturally Occurring


Antioxidant Effects








Search Log

Search Log = A record of what you do in the databases

Search Terms Database(s) Limits Result Notes
Antioxidant AND Supplement AND Heart Disease PubMed None 29 Results, Downloaded 3, May Change Terms
Antioxidant AND Synthetic AND Heart Disease PubMed Randomized Controlled Trials 29 Results
Diet, Sodium-Restricted [MESH] and Heart Disease MedLine, CINAHL Review Articles

627 Results

Additional terms: health gains, age of onset