While APA and MLA styles are the most commonly used, there are other styles for you to consider using based upon the field of study and your instructor's assignment.
This page will provide resources for those other styles that might show up during your college career.
The following list are guides for other citation styles:
Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide
--This style is often used in the humanities, featuring a system using footnotes for sources.
--Chicago Style Book Citations Video
--Chicago Style Journal and Website Citations Video
--Similar to Chicago style, it can also be used in business and fine arts.
--Turabian Style Video
--Most commonly used as a legal citation system.
--Harvard Style Video
--The citation style used by the American Institute of Physics.
--The citation style used by the American Sociological Association.
--The citation style used by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
--The citation style used by the American Political Science Association.
For more information on other styles, check out our list of books available for use at the reference desk.