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Reflective Practice Large Group Meeting Resources, 2019 -2020

Workshop Description

Instructors want the best for their students, but in and out of the classroom they may observe troubling behaviors that threaten students’ well-being. Though expert in their disciplines, they may feel less confident about how and when to intervene to help make a positive difference. This interactive session designed exclusively for IUP faculty will utilize a special version of Green Dot Bystander Intervention training created to help faculty work together to develop manageable tools to promote non-violence in their spheres. Participants will consider techniques for intervention and work with other faculty to apply them to relatable scenarios. It will conclude with the development of a toolkit to empower faculty to work with their students in promoting positive culture change.

Background Resources


Paludi, M. (2008). Understanding and preventing campus violence. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.  Call No LB2345 .U68 2008 

Schoem, D., Modey, C., & St. John, E. (2017). Teaching the whole student: Engaged learning with heart, mind, and spirit   Stylus Publishing.  Call No LC995. T427 2017 

Sharkin, B. (2006). College students in distress: A resource guide for faculty, staff, and campus community (Haworth series in clinical psychotherapy). New York: Haworth Press.  Call No LB2343. S49 2006 


Acosta-Morales, O., McCool, E., Murphey, K., & Stephens, M. (2016). Increasing underserved student success through faculty intentionality in problem-centered learning. Peer Review, 18(1/2), 12-14.

Graham, L., Mennicke, M., Rizo, A., Wood, C., & Mengo, F. (2019). Interpersonal violence prevention and response on college and university campuses: Opportunities for faculty leadership. Journal of Family Violence, 34(3), 189-198.

Ibrahim, Sanaa Abd El-Azeem, & Qalawa, Shereen Ahmed. (2016). Factors affecting nursing students' incivility: As perceived by students and faculty staff. Nurse Education Today, 36, 118-123.

Johnson, Z., Claus, C., Goldman, Z., & Sollitto, M. (2017). College student misbehaviors: An exploration of instructor perceptions. Communication Education, 66(1), 54-69.

Sales, J., & Krause, K. (2017). Schools must include faculty and staff in sexual violence prevention efforts. Journal of American College Health, 65(8), 585-587.

Schreiner, L., Noel, P., Anderson, E., & Cantwell, L. (2011). The impact of faculty and staff on high-risk college student persistence. Journal of College Student Development, 52(3), 321-338.

Door Prize Books

Session Materials