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Reflective Practice Large Group Meeting Resources. 2018-2019

Door Prize Books

Bloom, J. L., Hutson, B. L., & He, D. Y. (2008). The appreciative advising revolution. Stipes Pub..

Drake, J. K., Jordan, P., & Miller, M. A. (Eds.). (2013). Academic advising approaches: Strategies that teach students to make the most of college. John Wiley & Sons.

Books in Library Collection

Braxton, J. (2013). Rethinking college student retention. Call Number  LC148.2 .B73 2014 

Drake, J. K., Jordan, P., & Miller, M. A. (2013). Academic advising approaches: strategies that teach students to make the most of college. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass. Call Number  LB2343 .A23 2013

Hughey, K. F. (2009). The handbook of career advising. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass. LB2343 .H2727 2009

Laverick, D., & ProQuest. (2016). Mentoring Processes in Higher Education (SpringerBriefs in education). eBook

Session Handouts


Carragher, J., & Mcgaughey, J. (2016). The effectiveness of peer mentoring in promoting a positive transition to higher education for first-year undergraduate students: A mixed methods systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 5(68), 68.

Crocker, R. M., Kahla, M., & Allen, C. (2014). Fixing Advising: A Model for Faculty Advising. Research in Higher Education Journal, 26. 

Fowler, P. R., & Boylan, H. R. (2010). Increasing Student Success and Retention: A Multidimensional Approach. Journal of Developmental Education, 34(2), 2-4.

Schulke, B. B., & Zimmermann, L. K. (2014). Morningness-Eveningness and College Advising: A Road to Student Success?. Mind, Brain, and Education, 8(4), 227-230.

Smith, C. L., & Allen, J. M. (2014). Does Contact with Advisors Predict Judgments and Attitudes Consistent with Student Success? A Multi-Institutional Study. NACADA Journal, 34(1), 50-63. 

Strayhorn, T. L. (2015). Reframing Academic Advising for Student Success: From Advisor to Cultural Navigator. NACADA Journal, 35(1), 56-63.

Whitsett, G., Lynn Suell, J., & Ratchford, D. (2014). Academic Advising: Aspirations, Angst, and Achievement. Review of Higher Education & Self-Learning, 7(24), 52-58.

Ware, P., & Ramos, J. (2013). First-generation college students: Mentoring through social media. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 2(2), 149-162.

Weiler, L., Haddock, S., Zimmerman, T., Krafchick, J., Henry, K., & Rudisill, S. (2013). Benefits Derived by College Students from Mentoring At‐Risk Youth in a Service‐Learning Course. American Journal of Community Psychology, 52(3-4), 236-248.

Faculty Focus

Kelly, R. (May 6, 2013). Making Academic Advising an Institutional Priority. Faculty Focus.

O’Connell, K. L. (October 7, 2010). Valuing and Rewarding Academic Advising. Faculty Focus.

Advising Resources

The offices listed below support the advisement provided by your academic department and faculty advisor. Always check with your academic advisor when seeking assistance and also use the resources listed as appropriate.

Major and Career Exploration Center 
The Major and Career Exploration Center provides IUP students, as well as the surrounding community, with resources to help them choose a major and potential career. Located in 214 Pratt Hall.

Career and Professional Development Center 
The goal of the Career and Professional Development Center is to teach students, by providing coaching and support, how to become active participants in their own continuing career development. The center is located in 302 Pratt Hall.

Developmental Studies 
Through its curriculum, center, and programs, the Department of Developmental Studies provides IUP students with courses and services designed to enhance the development of all students. Office located in Pratt Hall 202 and 203.

Writing Center 
The Writing Center provides a variety of free services and resources to help students develop their writing skills as well as a quiet, comfortable environment to get the creative juices flowing. Located in Eicher Hall 218.

Office of the Registrar 
The Registrar's Office oversees student records, class scheduling, and policies as they pertain to the student academic experience. Office located in Clark Hall.

Undergraduate Catalog 
Also through the Office of the Registrar, the Undergraduate Catalog is a useful handbook for all IUP students.

Departmental Tutoring
Check with individual academic departments for which you need tutoring.